1. Say “YES” to Make New Friends
2. Say “Yes” to New Experiences
3. Say “Yes” to Become Happier
Introduction: Why I Decided to Say “YES” to random invitations
Deciding to say “YES” to invitations isn’t just a New Year’s resolution. It’s a choice I made for 2024. This decision has changed my life!
For years, I felt like I was trying to make a change but moving at a snail’s pace. I wasn’t unhappy, but I wasn’t satisfied either. I was stuck in this limbo.
Imagine standing in my backyard, gazing across NE 131st Place at my neighbor’s beautifully green yard. The thought of running across the street scared me. And there, on the ground, was the flat, furry remains of a squirrel I named Barbie.
You see, saying “YES” to invitations is different. It is not like those classic New Year’s resolutions. Those resolutions are where you decide what you want to achieve for the coming year.
Think about it! Making a New Year’s resolution all by yourself is like writing a story without any feedback. It’s also like trying to improve at a sport without a coach’s guidance or teammates’ input. No artist becomes a genius all on their own. Back in the day, Ernest Hemingway and Scott Fitzgerald shared drinks at a bar. Every Olympian has a coach to help them reach their goals.
I realized I needed to take that leap across NE 131st Place. Just like Barbie, I hesitated to do it alone. I needed someone to give me a gentle push from behind. This would help me take that first step into my neighbor’s greener yard.
In November 2024, I started sharing my decision to say “YES” to invitations. I shared this with colleagues, gym pals, friends, and clients.
“Why?” they all asked.
Here are the three reasons I gave them.
3 Reasons:
1. Say “YES” to Make New Friends
This is just the best reward for an introverted, independent personal trainer like me. When you say “YES” to invitations, you open up a whole new world of connections. This action also deepens the relationships we already have.
Let me share a little story with you!
Last year, I had dinner with my good friend Chris Chung at Whit’s Pizza Pies. We got into a great conversation about where we see ourselves in 10 or 20 years. During the chat, I pulled out my iPhone. I showed him a photo of a group of smiling kids from a country outside the U.S. I mentioned my dream. Someday, I want to be part of an organization. This organization builds schools in a village that doesn’t have any.
Then Chris shared something cool—he was volunteering to walk dogs at a local shelter and was enjoying it.
He looked at me and said, “Why wait another 10 or 20 years to start making a difference? Why not do it now?”
I shrugged it off, saying I was too busy juggling my two jobs.
I bumped into Scott just 48 hours later. He was a pastor at a church with a CrossFit gym called The Underground PDX. He was looking for a coach to help run free classes for the youth in the community.
I shared my conversation at Whit’s Pizza, realizing Chris was right all along. So, I decided to volunteer at the gym.
I have met so many amazing people. They include a photographer, a videographer, and a social worker, to name a few. I met them because I chose to jump in and help out. I’m building connections. I am making a positive impact. It’s turned out to be one of the best things I’ve done in my life.
2. Say “Yes” to New Experiences
Watch this 6-minute video.
Saying “YES” can open up a world of new experiences, leading to personal growth in the most surprising ways! Every invitation is like a chance to step out of your comfort zone and explore exciting possibilities.
Let me share a little story with you.
“You should totally do this with me! It’s just a 50K! I am going to sign up in a few days.”
That was Kalene inviting me to a 50K trail race in Sisters, OR. This happened a day after I made a commitment to say “YES” to every opportunity that came my way.
I went back to my desk and signed up for the race in under 15 minutes. Kalene joined right after me.
Now, let me be honest. I’m not really a runner. In fact, I’ve never even completed a half-marathon. The longest I’ve ever run is about 12 miles, and that took me over 2 hours—5 years ago. That run left my calves so sore that I decided to hang up my running shoes.
For those who don’t know, a 50K is roughly 31 miles.
Kalene assured me, “You’re not going to die! Plus, you have six months to train.”
So, here I am, hitting the pavement three times a week. My training routine looks like this: I go for a long, slow run on Sundays. I do a tempo run on Tuesdays. I perform interval training on Thursdays. I’m also keeping up with my weightlifting three days a week. I stay smart about it by keeping the weights manageable. For the next six months, I’ve promised myself not to chase a personal record (PR) on deadlifts. Honestly, I’d just be satisfied to maintain my current one-rep max of 410 pounds.
Training for long-distance running is new territory for me, and it makes me rethink how I approach my workouts.
To be transparent, I’m still not the biggest fan of running. But since I’ve made this commitment, I know I have to adapt and give it my best shot.
You know what they say: Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change.
Many people attribute this quote to Stephen Hawking.
Recently, I managed to run 10 miles for the first time in 5 years. I adapted. Maybe I’ve become more INTELLIGENT by being willing to set aside my preferences in training modality. I venture beyond my comfort zone.
Older and wiser.
3. Say “Yes” to Become Happier
You know, by saying “YES,” I’ve opened up a lot of doors! I’ve discovered something special about myself—my adaptability, or as I like to call it, my inner intelligence.
As a nerd, feeling more comfortable with meeting new people has been transformative. Stepping into new environments has also been a game changer for me. I’m connecting with others more, getting invited to fun social events, and laughing a lot. It’s amazing how much better I sleep. I feel much less stress.
If I keep saying “Yes,” I could recover better, get stronger, and go faster and longer. The Placebo effect is a real thing. How I feel can impact how my body reacts to every stimulus.
I’m even challenging myself to take on something I once thought was impossible: a 50K trail run.
The thought of hours of training on the Glendoveer Golf Course Trail doesn’t thrill me. However, it’s exciting to think about challenging myself. My self-image is changing for the better, and I love it.
I am happier.
Wrapping Up
1. Say “YES” to Make New Friends:
Saying yes to invitations helps you meet new people. Volunteering at a local CrossFit gym helped me connect with wonderful individuals.
2. Say “Yes” to New Experiences:
Saying “yes” opens the door to growth. I stepped out of my comfort zone for a 50K trail race, which affected my view of myself.
3. Say “Yes” to Become Happier:
Being open to challenges improved my social life and happiness, leading me to a 50K trail run.
Business, People, and Locations I mentioned in this post.
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