Category: Training Plan / Program

  • Training Plan: Starting My Own Business While Training For A 30 Miles Run

    Training Plan: Starting My Own Business While Training For A 30 Miles Run

    As I mentioned in my previous blog, I left my gym yesterday, so I have nowhere to work out. Fortunately, I have the following equipment at home:

    – 4 sandbags

    – A pair of kettlebells ranging from 4 KGS to 32 KGS

    – 2 medicine balls

    – A sled

    – A pair of adjustable dumbbells that go up to 75 LBS

    – A suspension trainer

    – 2 pairs of bumper plates (10 lbs and 25 lbs)

    – A foam roller

    – An elevation mask

    – PVC pipes

    – A heart rate monitor

    I have everything I need to train with except a barbell. I will work out at a CrossFit gym every Saturday, but I don’t know what they will have me do. I’m currently training for a half marathon in March and a 30-mile trail run in May, so not having daily access to a barbell isn’t an issue for me at the moment. I am also working to improve my speed. Developing this ability is essential for running, especially for a slow person like me.

    Length of a program: I’m planning an 8-week program focusing on squat and hinge movements, emphasizing improving core stability. If an exercise feels too easy, I will increase the number of repetitions or the weight or cut down on the rest period. The intensity on the self-perceived exertion scale should remain at a 7 to 8 out of 10.

    Flexibility of Program: Flexibility is not just a feature of my program; it’s a mindset. Life happens, and it’s essential to be able to adapt. I’ve designed my program to be flexible, allowing me to embrace life’s surprises rather than letting a rigid workout program dictate my life. And, of course, avoiding injuries is crucial. If my shoulder hurts, I don’t want to do snatches even though the program calls for them. I have the power to make these decisions for myself.

    Duration and frequency of a Session:

    Strength 3 days a week: 45 minutes per session. On these days, I will do 20 minutes of jump roping.

    Running 3 days a week: Build up mileage! Do Sandbag only work out on Interval days?      

    Assessment: Rockport Walk Test every other week to see where my VO2 Max is.  

    First Week of My Strength / Power Program:

    Here is my plan. Since I just started my own business, my life will become hectic, and I am sure I will need to adjust my plan. I will see.